Traction machines: what are they and how do they work?

The also called universal machines are essential elements in quality control processes.

As we mentioned in a previous post on tensile tests, these are the tests aimed at obtaining the stress-strain curve.

With this curve we would have access to the measurements of the elastic deformations, its creep or yielding, its plastic deformations and its striction, which would give us access to data such as the limits of proportionality or elasticity. Only in this way, we will be able to ensure that the chosen material will fail or not when performing the functions that would be entrusted to it.

To carry out this type of tests, we must have the necessary equipment, among which tensile machines stand out for their indispensability. These tools consist of two parts:

1- The load producing device, which can be mechanical or pneumatic and which has a fixed and a movable head. The specimen is mounted on this machine, held by the two heads that function as a hydraulic press. The lower one is fixed and the other one moves up the tool, causing a deformation in it as the force increases. This process would end when the tool breaks, a time that usually does not exceed one minute.

2- The other part would be the load and displacement measuring device, which is electronic, regulates the application of the load and generates the diagrams that cause the behavior of the specimen.

On the other hand, there is a requirement that these processes must always meet: the application of the tensile force must take place in the direction of the specimen axis. At Servosis, we offer the best machinery to perform this type of tests and we also have six models adapted to meet different needs. These are the ME 402, the ME 405, the MUE 403, the MUE 404, the MUF 401 and the MUF 404. For more information, see our catalog and if you have any questions or suggestions you can contact us through the contact form.

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