What is materials testing?

This type of testing is one of the most effective elements of quality control.

When determining a specific material to perform a given function, we must take into account its ability to cope with the conditions it will face. To check the effectiveness of that material against the adversities detected, there are material tests, a test whose purpose is to identify the characteristics and properties of the component to decide whether or not it is suitable for the intended use.

These tests give us information about all the characteristics of the specific material. The most important are: hardness, which is the mechanical property that reflects the difficulty to scratch or create marks on the surface; elasticity, which is the ability of an object to undergo deformation and return to its original shape when external forces cease; and resilience, which measures the endurance of a material to receive blows without breaking.

Within traditional tests, there are two main groups: destructive and non-destructive.  The former include tests from which the material behavior curve is obtained, such as tensile and compression tests. On the other hand, non-destructive tests are cheaper and more suitable for quality control due to the great cost reduction generated by not breaking the tool. Among others, the magnetic field test, which identifies very small surface cracks; the current test, which shows the thickness of the paint on a surface; and ultrasound, which indicates deep cracks.

At Servosis we have all the necessary equipment to perform these types of tests. To see it, visit our catalog. If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know through our contact form.

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