Universal machines for flexure testing

Bending test machine

We have already talked on other occasions about the ensayos de tracción and the compression testsbut along with them, the bending test is one of the most frequent in the practice of quality control and quality assurance. materials testing.

The bending test has the function of determining the mechanical properties of materials such as steel, plastic, wood, paper, ceramics and other materials.

What do we achieve with the bending test?

As of bending test important mechanical property characteristics can be easily obtained, related to stresses and strains, at the maximum and breaking points, and elastic modulus in bending, taking into account the support spacing calculated from the specimen thickness.

These tests are carried out with fragile materialsThe specimen causes metrological problems in the tensile test due to its failure behavior.

Los most common results of this type of test are as follows;

  • Flexural rigidity.
  • Flexural strength.
  • Calculation of bending stresses and bending deformations. 
  • Stresses and elongation at yield strength and at breakage.

Flexure test application methods

Los bending tests are made with the help of the universal testing machineThe load test is also used in other tests, such as the tensile and compression tests mentioned above. In this case, it is necessary to change the supports and the loading tool.

We distinguish 2 types of devices for bending tests:

  • 3-point bending testwhich isIt consists of two parallel supports for the specimen and a bending tip.
  • 4-point bending testThe force on the specimen is applied by means of two bending points in symmetrical position. 

Our universal flexure testing machines

La universal testing machine has as function to test the resistance of various types of materials. For this purpose, it has a servo control system (servolazo) that applies controlled loads on a specimen (model of pre-established dimensions) and measures the deformation and the load at the moment of breakage in the form of a graph.

At Servosiswe have a wide range of material testing machines according to the needs of our customers. We also have four models adapted for this purpose;

  • ME 402, Load capacity between 1 and 300 KN. Testing speed up to 1000 mm/min.
  • ME 405, Load capacity between 1 and 500 KN. Testing speed up to 1000 mm/min. High deformation. Load bridge travel up to 1200 mm.
  • MUE 403, Cyclic tests up to 5 Hz. Load capacity between 50 and 1000 KN. Testing speed up to 200 mm/min.
  • MUE 404, Cyclic tests up to 5 Hz. Load capacity between 400 and 3000 KN. Testing speed up to 200 mm/min.

In addition, these machines are controlled by our software. PCD2KThe user has different possibilities for its use. They can be used to load as many Test standards as desired with no other limitation than the maximum load capacity imposed by the machine and the maximum speed, determined by the hydraulic unit.

At Servosis we study each consultation on a case-by-case basis, propose different possibilities and reach an agreement with our clients to always and in all cases make available to them the most suitable product.

If you want more information about our universal flexure testing machines, do not hesitate to contact us. get in touch with us!

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